Saturday, December 6, 2014

JR's Lessons and Colvin's prediction

BY Prasad Gunewardene - Ceylon Today

Last Tuesday Youth Affairs Minister, Dullas Alahapperuma, advised former President Chandrika Kumaratunga to follow the footsteps of the first Executive President, Junius Richard Jayewardene, to learn how to behave after retirement. He said Jayewardene led a peaceful life in retirement and kept away from politics. Yes... the minister is correct to a certain extent. However, JR advised his successors in the UNP in silence and gave directives at crisis times. Dulles is a friend of mine. He is a leftist from his youth. He is also a fine journalist. During his journalistic days, as a leftist he was very critical of the capitalist UNP. At that time I was covering the UNP and J.R. Jayewardene from 1975. I moved closely with Jayewardene and studied his way of life in person and politics. From him I learnt to command and separate the indisciplined from the disciplined. He was a witty politician and an astute leader. JR was quiet even at turbulent times. He never shirked. Not even when the grenade exploded before him in the Parliament committee room, which killed Keerthi Abeywickreme and seriously wounded Lalith Athulathmudali. The grenade bounced on his table before it exploded. Prime Minister R. Premadasa seated on his right was slightly injured. And so was Minister Vincent Perera on his left. JR watched everything without moving an eye lid and ordered, 'rush them to hospital' and left the scene of the explosion with Anandatissa de Alwis.

JR was a good schemer in politics. None could outsmart him. He always had a five year political plan before him. Men like incumbent International Monetary Cooperation Minister and Deputy Finance and Planning Minister, Dr. Sarath Amunugama, knows that well as JR trusted him. Sarath had the final glance at all important documents when JR was the President. JR would tell Anandatissa, 'Ananda, tell Sarath also to have a look'. Though Sarath was Anandatissa's Permanent Secretary, JR made use of Sarath's brilliant intellect. JR was the architect on the 'Divide and Rule' theory in politics. He did it within his own party and also divided other parties. When he wanted to divide the TULF as Appapillai Amirthalingam was batting all-round the wicket in Parliament and with India against JR's administration, JR had a Bill kept with him at his residence, which he had designed upon assuming office as Prime Minister in 1977. That Bill gave one way passage for crossovers where only those in the Opposition could cross over to the government. Sarath Amunugama was aware of that Bill, which had its life only for that Parliament. JR introduced that Bill in Parliament and Chelliah Rajadurai from the TULF crossed over to the UNP.

Undated letters of resignation
Within the UNP he had the command. He got undated letters of resignation from the entire UNP Parliamentary Group that included Prime Minister Premadasa. JR was strict on parliamentary discipline and decorum during his days as President. In 1979, Premadasa clashed with Anura Bandaranaike in Parliament during a debate using abusive language. He summoned Premadasa to Ward Place and reprimanded him, stating that a Prime Minister of the country should not use such low language in the supreme legislature. Premadasa sought pardon from JR. The same evening he summoned Anura to Ward Place and advised him that as the son of two former Prime Ministers, Anura should conduct himself with much discipline in the Chamber. The Anura-Premadasa clashes in Parliament thus ended.

Prime Minister Premadasa once deputized for JR at the Non-Aligned Summit in Lusaka, Zambia. In the sidelines of the summit, Indian Prime Minister Rajiv Gandhi wanted Premadasa to convey a message to JR. Tamil terrorism was reaching its peak at that time in Sri Lanka. Premadasa addressing a news conference after the summit let the cat out of the bag by making references to Gandhi's message to JR. An annoyed Gandhi telephoned JR in Colombo and stated that he (Rajiv) was embarrassed by the conduct of Premadasa. JR did not rush to telephone Premadasa. Instead he waited for Premadasa's return to the country. As Premadasa touched down at Katunayake, he received a message to drive straight to Ward Place. When Premadasa went there, JR briefed him about Gandhi's complaint and said, "If I was in your capacity I would tender my resignation". Premadasa rushed to Sucharitha and sent his resignation as Prime Minister. The news reached the rank and file of the UNP and ministers began to telephone JR to ask the latter not to accept Premadasa's resignation. JR explained that he never called for it but, Premadasa had sent it. When Anandatissa called, JR said, "Ananda, I only said that if I was in his capacity I would do so. He has sent his resignation and he can withdraw it, if he wants". Premadasa never withdrew it, and that letter was with JR till the latter died.

Ward Place residence
During an intimate discussion at his Ward Place residence, once JR asked me what I would do if a ball was coming my way in the air. I said I will take the catch. The old man smiled and quipped in a lighter vein, "Do that if you are playing a game of cricket. In politics I let it bump. I will take it to my hand because I know where to throw it". I visited him after his retirement on his 87th birthday at his Ward Place residence in the company of fellow journalists, Chulawansa Sirilal and Srilal Gomes. I wished him a happy birthday and told him he was 87 on that day. "Who said I am 87", JR shot back, to my surprise. I replied, "Sir, you were born in 1906 on this day (September 17)". With a broad smile on his face, the old man quipped, "I am now only four years old after retirement and just going to the Montessori to start life again". JR knew that I was going to ask him a few questions on politics relating to the Indo-Lanka Agreement and cut me short. Gamini Lokuge who had come to wish him was seated in the verandah outside.

Once Premadasa wanted a Corporation chairman sacked for not carrying out his orders as Prime Minister. Premadasa regularly complained to JR about the negative attitude of that chairman. JR listened and said he would look into the issue and take appropriate action. Later he found out that what Premadasa said was true. But that chairman was appointed by JR himself. That chairman regularly jogged at Independence Square early morning. One early morning, JR telephoned the residence of that chairman. The chairman's wife who answered the call said her husband was jogging at Independence Square. "I want him to see me now", JR demanded. The message was conveyed to the jogging venue and that chairman rushed to Ward Place in his track suit. Coming out of the office room, JR attired in his national dress asked the chairman, "How dare you see the President of Sri Lanka improperly dressed in a track suit?" Towards the afternoon, a letter was sent from JR's office to the chairman stating he was removed from office for arriving late to meet the President of Sri Lanka.

Royal wedding
JR attended the Royal wedding of Prince Charles and Princess Diana in London. Prime Minister Premadasa too, flew to witness that Royal wedding. National Security Minister, Lalith Athulathmudali was away in India on an official visit. JR was interviewed in London by the BBC. He was asked by the interviewer - "Mr. President, you are here, your Prime Minister is here, and your National Security Minister is out of the country. Who is looking after the country in your absence?" There was a fifteen seconds pause on the radio. JR broke silence to reply, "My people are looking after the country till I return". He implied that his citizens had much faith in him. The interview ended sans supplementary questions.

The 1982 Presidential Election was covered for 'The Island' newspaper by me and my colleague, late Ajith Samaranayake. Among JR's contenders were Hector Kobbekaduwa and Dr. Colvin R. De Silva. Both I and Ajith had to brief on the outcome of the electoral results to our Chairman Upali Wijewardene, who was alert on that night at his residence, Thurstan Road, Colombo. Well, JR won. We were relaxing under the Town Hall porch when Anandatissa arrived. While chatting to Anandatissa, JR alighted from his Jaguar with a smile. Anandatissa said, "Sir, you have won in a convincing manner". JR responded saying, "That's why Ananda I am here". Seconds later, another car followed. It was Dr. Colvin R. De Silva. Alighting from his car, Colvin called, 'Dickie, Dickie.' JR looked back and said, "Hi, Colvin, happy to see you". "No Dickie, I only came to wish you on your victory," said Colvin walking up to JR to shake hands. JR invited him into the main hall but, Colvin turned it down and while returning to his car, Colvin again said, "Dickie, I must tell you something". JR asked what it was. Replied Colvin, "Dickie, the day you go, abolish this executive system and go, because your successors will find it difficult to keep their political parties united unlike you, and when that happens there'll be chaos in the country". "That's a matter for the future to see like Que Sera", JR quipped in a lighter vein. Colvin responded "What I say will be, will be", and boarded his car. True to Colvin's words, President Premadasa's UNP split. President Kumaratunga's SLFP split. And today, President Mahinda Rajapaksa's SLFP is also in doldrums.

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