Wednesday, December 3, 2014

CEB waste oil pollutes No safe drinking water in Chunnakam

By Pranavesh Sivakumar

The haphazard disposal of industrial waste oil has contaminated the water table in the Chunnakam, south division, a resident told Ceylon Today.
An office branch belonging to a Ceylon Electricity Board (CEB) power plant has been discharging harmful waste oil without being treated.

Residents said the 'speedy oil' was mixing with clean, safe water.
People complained that they were greatly inconvenienced without other sources of safe drinking water. Nearly 200 families in and around Chunnakam had been affected by this disposal of harmful industrial waste, Ceylon Today learns.
The residents had made several attempts to bring the matter to the notice of several authorities including the Environmental Society in Battaramulla, AGA (Kachcheri) office in Uduvil, Urban Council Chunnakam and the Grama Niladhari in Chunnakam, but without avail. The land where the waste is deposited is called a 'High Security Zone,' which is neglected land.

The matter was taken up in 2009, but has not been resolved. Drinking contaminated water has resulted in many residents suffering skin rashes.
Knowledgeable sources said Minister Douglas Devananda and Northern Province Chief Minister C.V. Wigneswaran had held talks in the past on the matter, but without result.
Further, although temporary solutions like distributing drinking water in bourses no permanent solution was found, residents said.

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