Wednesday, November 5, 2014

A very significant day on Buddhist calendar - Il Full Moon Poya day

November 6, 2014

By Walter Wijenayake

The Full Moon Poya Day of Il on which the Sakyamuni Siddhartha Gauthama Buddha set forth His first group of sixty disciples for the propagation of Dhamma falls today.

The Buddha, after spending 49 days near and around the Bodhi tree under which He attained Enlightenment at Buddha Gaya, proceeded to Issipathana in the Deer Park in Benares and preached first sermon the Dhamma Chakkappavattana Sutta to the five ascetics Kondanna, Bhaddiya, Vappa, Mahanama and Assaji all of whom well understood the Dhamma of the Buddha and realised the truth that in this world there is suffering, the cause of suffering, the cessation of suffering and the path that leads to the cessation of suffering that provides complete emancipation.

On that particular Full Moon Poya Day, when He dispatched those Arahant Bhikkus He advised them to:

‘Charita Bhikkave charikam

Bahujana hithaya

Bahujana sukhaya

Atthaya hithaya

Deva manussanam

which means

‘Wonder forth O’Bhikkus for the welfare and happiness of all begins, devas and men’

The Buddha also advised them to let two Bhikkhus not follow the same route.

On this process, the Buddha Himself went in a different direction, on the same purpose, with his alms bowl hanging on one of his shoulders.

It was also on such a Full Moon Poya Day that the Venerable Sariputta Maha Thera, one of the two chief disciples or Agga Sravaka of the Buddha attained Parinibbana.

This particular day also marks the receiving of Vivarana (invitation to become Buddha by the Bodhisatva Maithriya, FROM THE Gauthama Buddha.

The sending off of Maha Theras to different parts of India and neighbouring countries, by the Maha Thera Moggaliputtatissa at the conclusion of the third Buddhist Council at Pataliputta, for the propagation of Buddha Dhamma.

The Jatila Dhamanaya or the conversion of three ascetic brothers – the Kasyapas known as Nadi Kasyapas, Gaya Kasyapa and Uruvela Kasyapa together with thousands of others who assembled near Gayasirasa (modern Bothgaya).

The Cheevara Masaya or Katina Masaya season of one month which concluded the ‘Vas’ season commenced on the Full Moon Poya Day of Esala ends today.

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