Friday, November 21, 2014

"I Am The Common Candidate" - Maithripala Officially Announces

I wonder what media moguls like Killy Mahendran & Tiran Alles is thinking when they hear about the official Common Candidate for the Presidential Election! Starting from Rupert Murdoch to all other media moguls have their own agendas & political scheming. Sri Lankan politics since time immemorial has been very devious & manipulative. After we gained independence from the British Raj successively all incumbent governments have given the electorate & country a raw deal without any doubt. The past ten years or so we have been having the best & worst of it. Without any doubt the defeat of terrorism was the peak of good times. I personally would not agree with the methodology used to defeat terrorism but they say you have to fight fire with fire. Red Adair said once -

" If you think it's expensive to hire a professional to do the job, wait until you hire an amateur."

I personally think we used more brawn than brain but the job was sorted. Then things changed politically in USA, there was a sea change with Obama administration & with the help of other western countries UNHRC got involved. What did our political administrators do, they forgot DIPLOMACY & used the Sri Lankan methodology - started berating the west. This was like adding fuel to the fire & so called militant & not so militant Tamil Diaspora became so strong they started using Political clout in countries like United Kingdom in the marginal electoral constituencies. Similarly non influential & non persons in the Tamil Diaspora started lobbying in countries like Canada & USA. All this was not necessary if we used real political diplomacy like what happened to the Five Indian fisherman in death row. My father always used to tell me if you have a problem talk & talk till cows come home!

Present government has now started to play the patriotic tune that every malaise in this country is a western conspiracy with town Town crier AKA Wimal Weerawnasa in the led role, accompanied by other "Dhobis". Even today he was at it condemning all who will join the common opposition. While all this is going on a privileged few is reaping the benefits of development on the monies that are being spent. Recently a friend of mine told be on Road Development Projects a minimum of 30% is being ripped off from the contractors as commissions by the political big wigs allegedly! 

All this has to stop & a political sea change has to take place. That is why I endorse Mr Maithripala Siresena's candidature to the Presidential Election.    


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